Huey’s Cordova | Cordova, TN | 11/9/20

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Huey’s is basically a religion in the Memphis area. They’ve been around forever, and if you’re in the greater Memphis area, you are likely pretty damn close to one of their locations. Huey’s is pretty much always an acceptable answer when a group is deciding what to eat, because they have a little bit of everything and everything is pretty good.

Daisy wasn’t feeling great, but it was nice outside so Ava and I decided to try some Huey’s. We went to the Cordova location, but as far as I know they all have exactly identical menus.

The tables were spaced out nicely and all the staff were wearing masks, there was only one other table on the patio total, which is pretty much the only reason we were dining at the restaurant vs just getting takeout, but Huey’s is just as good if you take it home, so don’t rule that possibility out.

We grabbed a seat on the patio and I ordered a beer. Ava decided she wanted chicken tenders with fries and I went for the tried and true Hueyburger.

Ava is on the lookout.

The chicken tenders are honestly really good here, I’m not so much of a food snob I can’t enjoy a good tendie every now and again. The kids meal comes with two tenders and fries or applesauce. Ava went with the steak fries

Hueyburgers are consistently good. They are pretty straight-forward burgers, but they’re always well-executed and tasty. Most importantly, they’re always consistent. You can go to any Huey’s anywhere in the city and your burger is going to be good. They make a few fun variations too, I like the Texas toast burger with jalapeños and grilled onions when I’m particularly mad at my body and want to punish it. This time I went with the classic hueyburger with cheddar.

To me, Huey’s feels familiar and comforting. I’ve been going there, to one location or another, pretty much my entire adult life. I grew up in Bartlett and hung out at the Cordova location when I was still using a fake ID. I moved downtown and ate at the downtown location at least a few times a month for the vast majority of my life. Going to Huey’s is like coming home after being away for a while, it’s familiar, cozy, and you know exactly what to expect. Sometimes there’s a lot to be said for that.