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It was raining buckets this morning as I drove it in and it didn’t leak a single drop. Getting the new top to latch was quite a chore. I finally accomplished it by letting the car sit in the sun all day with the top “up” to stretch it out, then turning the heat on high for about 20 minutes to make it more pliable, then Daisy basically laid on top of the roof to push it down will I pulled it forward and latched it. Once one side was finally latched the other went pretty easily. I’m going to leave it latched for at least a couple of weeks to let it get nice and stretched before I even attempt to put the top down again.
On the plus side, the cheapest Miata top on amazon is actually pretty damn good. It fits correctly, it seems to be made of exactly the same material as the factory top, and at the time I bought it, it was $159 with free shipping with Prime. I really have zero complaints. If you want a cheap NA top, go buy it…but maybe wait until it’s warmer to put it on if you want to be able to actually close it.